Dr. Michelle Watson Canfield

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The Sustaining Power of Showing Up

We’ve all heard that the gift of presence lasts longer than gifts and presents.

We all know that LOVE is spelled T-I-M-E and when we give minutes, we give memories.

And we’re all aware that with increased distractions, presence is truly one of the most amazing sacrificial gifts of love we can offer someone.

Yet although we know these truths, it seems harder and harder to slow down long enough to look someone in the eyes, listen with both ears, set down our devices, and turn towards the person who is sitting across from us. Then when we consider that dads are often hard pressed to track with all the complexities of their daughter’s world even on the best of days, we see how quickly an interaction can unintentionally derail.

It’s right here, into the challenging and complex realities of interpersonal relationships, that Dr. Tina Payne Bryson and Dr. Daniel Siegel speak. They’ve written a powerful book to help us navigate relationships, specifically from a parental perspective. I absolutely love the title…The Power of Showing Up: How Parental Presence Shapes Who Our Kids Become and How Their Brains Get Wired.

Just reading the title gives hope that in our fast-paced world where it can seem like we’re never quite getting it right or doing enough, the encouraging truth is that the posture of our presence is phenomenally powerful to our kids.

Let me say it another way: Dad, when you show up in your daughter’s life, your presence infuses lasting, sustaining power into her heart and soul.

I trust this concept breathes life into the places where you may inadvertently believe the lie that because you struggle to keep up with all your daughter’s ever-changing needs, wants, and dreams, it’s better to back off and defer to mom since she’s a “girl.”

I want to encourage you today by highlighting insights from these two brilliant authors, researchers, and parental experts when they say: “What’s the one thing a parent can do to make the most difference in the long run? The research is clear: Show up!"

There it is, TWO WORDS that are plain and simple: SHOW UP!

As I reflect on 30 years of interacting with clients in my clinical practice, I validate their findings and confirm that showing up definitely IS enough!”

To confirm this truth, Drs. Payne Bryson and Seigel also claim that “it doesn’t take a lot of time, energy, or money. Instead, showing up means offering a quality of presence.

They’ve come up with a way to easily remember what every child needs by sharing what they call, “The Four S’s. In order to thrive, your daughter needs to feel:

  • Safe

  • Seen

  • Soothed

  • Secure

If you want to learn more about how to increase secure attachment with your daughter in these four ways, here’s a free handout from Dr. Siegel: https://drdansiegel.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/POSU-Refrigerator-Sheet.pdf. You can put this in a prominent place to remind yourself daily to actively do these four things with your daughter (and son).

And if you REALLY want to go the distance, I strongly recommend reading The Power of Showing Up.

Dad, it’s never to late to kick things up a notch in dialing in to your daughter’s heart space by taking a little more time today to enter into her world with the gift of YOU.