For anyone who knows me, whether personally or professionally, it doesn’t take long to discover that I have a lot of enthusiasm and energy! The reality is that I'm grateful to be where I am, doing what I love with the people I love.
Here’s a few more specifics so you can know me a little better...
This is a fun season being newly married (for the first time at the age of 60!) to a man who shares a similar passion for championing dads. In His goodness, God led me and my husband Dr. Ken Canfield together and we were married in the middle of this pandemic on Father’s Day weekend in 2020. Ken founded the National Center for Fathering in 1990 and after us being professional colleagues for years, after Ken was widowed, we made the decision to join our lives and have loved partnering, especially in the fathering space.
Ken has addressed the broad issues of all fathers while my focus is primarily on the father-daughter relationship. I love empowering and challenging dads to turn their hearts, not just their heads towards their girls through my writing, leading groups, speaking at conferences, doing radio and television interviews, and talking to dads wherever I go!
To keep in balance, I practice self care by jogging, painting, and as a former worship leader, playing the piano and singing. In addition, I enjoy photography, shopping (a.k.a. bargain hunting, especially at thrift stores) and my new role in our large family.
Now going a little deeper...
I believe our character is carved out and shaped through pain and suffering. And when I hear stories of survival and the lessons learned there, I am honestly inspired by seeing courage and resilience in the most unexpected places.
To sum up, I'm in the right line of work for how God has wired me because I never tire of hearing real stories from vulnerable people who have overcome real challenges.
Here’s a little background about my experiences with teenage and 20-something girls:
I not only have lived through these years myself, but am the oldest of four girls…(I know, my poor dad! We even had female cats through the years….he couldn’t get a break!!)
I have spent the last four decades of my life working with girls and young women through counseling (for over 20 years), mentoring, speaking at camps and retreats, teaching graduate students, and a few other places sprinkled in.
I have had personal friendships with girls in this age range throughout my entire adult life and I love the ongoing relationships we continue to have, which simply translates to my enjoyment of women who are growing and maturing through the various stages of their lives and am honored to be trusted with their stories and process.
Here is a little background about my experiences with fathers of daughters:
In January 2010 I founded The Abba Project where I lead dads of daughters ages 13 to 30 to dial in with more intention and consistency to their heart space. I lead a local group in Portland, Oregon annually every year from September through May. (You can read more under The Abba Project page)
I have coached offspring Abba Project groups in Virginia and Washington State, with more to come.
I have written a book for dads of daughters titled, Dad, Here’s What I Really Need from You: A Guide for Connecting with Your Daughter’s Heart and it’s also available in audiobook form in my own voice on Audible here.
My second book, “Let’s Talk, Conversation Starters for Dads and Daughters” is filled with scripts for dads to equip them to strategically lead their daughters into conversations that matter, with a focus on greater depth that will allow her to know herself better!
I host a podcast called The Dad Whisperer Podcast where my purpose is to provide practical resources for dads, especially those with daughters. To find out more about this podcast, visit my personal Instagram account or The Dad Whisperer Podcast Instagram (available to listen on my website here, Apple Podcasts, and Spotify)
Now on the professional side:
I have a Bachelor of Science in Biblical Education from Multnomah University (1985)
I hold a M.A. in Counseling Psychology from Lewis and Clark College, and am a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC)
I hold a Ph.D in Health Psychology from Walden University (2007) and Post Doctoral Training in EMDR: Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, 2008-2009
My Dissertation Title: The Impact of Intrapersonal Forgiveness on Eating Disorder Symptomatology in Anorexic and Bulimic Adult Females. Dissertation Chair: Rebecca L. Jobe, Ph.D.
Honors and Awards: Who’s Who Among American College Students, 1981 Psi Chi, National Honor Society in Psychology Walden University, 2005 Manchester Who’s Who Among Professional Women in Counseling and Development, 2005, Contribution to the Profession Award, Walden University, 2008 Alumni of the Year Award, Multnomah University, 2017
Professional Memberships:
American Psychological Association
National Board of Certified Counselors
National Eating Disorders Association
Columbia River Eating Disorders Network
American Association of Christian Counselors
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing International AssociationI have taught graduate students at Lewis and Clark College as an adjunct professor in their eating disorder program (2005-2009)
I speak and teach in various venues around the country, from camps, retreats, schools and churches
I am honored to be described by Dr. Ken Canfield (founder and president of The National Center for Fathering and The National Association of Grandparenting—-a man who is now my husband and yet he spoke these words to me a decade ago when we were professional colleagues) as “a fresh voice into the area of fathering” as I seek to live out my God-given assignment to fathers of daughters. Currently Ken and I co-chair the Father-Daughter Initiative at the National Center for Fathering.
And the last thing I want to share with you is one of my all-time favorite quotes by Pierre Teilhard de Cardin: We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience.
What that says to me is that even when life doesn’t make sense and God’s ways are hard to understand, I rest in knowing that God is good and what He does is good (Psalm 119:68) because I am living proof that God somehow miraculously “restores the years the locusts have eaten” (Joel 2:25). It is truly my greatest joy to partner with the Trinity while bringing the best that I have been given to fathers and daughters, and it is my joy to connect with you here.
You matter…to me and to your Abba Father God. Thanks for taking a few minutes to get to know me a little more.
If you want to get in touch with me, here’s where you can find me:
To hear my recent thoughts, check out my bi-weekly Dad-Daughter Friday blog here: