contact Michelle

For more information about any resources I have to offer, please contact me here!  I'd love to hear from you!

Portland, OR

It’s my joy and honor to equip dads with practical tools to better dial into their daughters’ hearts.

With 25 years of experience as a licensed professional counselor and over 35 years working directly with teens and young adult women. Dr. Michelle Watson brings practical wisdom to dads with daughters of all ages.



If you would like to Invite Dr. Michelle as a speaker for your next event or conference, CLICK HERE.

Michelle comes alive in front of an audience and thrives on authentic vulnerability while leading others to do the same. Whether speaking to local or national audiences of teenagers, young adults, men’s groups or women’s forums, she loves bringing insights she has gleaned over the past few decades and making them both practical and applicable.

Using a combination of humor, psychoeducation, her redeemed backstory, and sharing from her heart about spiritual truths and life lessons, she is a vibrant speaker who looks forward to connecting with you.


October, 2024. Fatherlessness Crises and Proactive Solutions Panel. Arkansas Faith Summit, Little Rock, AR.

April, 2024. Providing Ministry Leaders with More Tools to Equip GirlDads to Lead. National Coalition of Ministries to Men Interactive Webinar.

March, 2024. Essential Tools for Every GirlDad’s Fathering Toolbox. Oklahoma Fatherhood Summit, Tulsa, OK.

September, 2023. Hope-Filled Fathering: A Research-Based, Theologically-Sound Approach to Strengthen Family Connections Through Increased Father Engagement. American Association of Christian Counselors World Conference (AACC), Nashville, TN.

October, 2022. The Power of Fathering on the Feminine Heart. Oklahoma Fatherhood Summit, Oklahoma Commission on Children and Youth, Tulsa, OK.

September 2021. Strengthening the Father-Daughter Bond Using Proven Resources to Enrich Psychological, Relational and Spiritual Well-Being. American Association of Christian Counselors World Conference (AACC), Orlando, FL.

September, 2020. Collaboration For Hope: Strengthening Families for Generations Panel. SAT-7 Zoom Webinar, Easton, MD.

February, 2019. Connect to Your Daughter’s Heart, Not Just Her Interests. Parenting and Relationships Virtual Summit.

September, 2015. Fathering Tool: Messages on Mirrors. American Association of Christian Counselors World Conference (AACC), Nashville, TN.

June, 2015. Embracing the Heart of Your Abba Father. Hungry for Hope, Franklin, TN.

June, 2011. The Abba Project: Changing Girls Lives One Dad at a Time. Hungry for Hope, Colorado Springs, CO.

October, 2009. Eating Disorders Overview: Diagnosis and Treatment. Invited Speaker, Psychology Colloquium, Lewis and Clark College, Portland, OR.

October, 2008. Eating Disorders Overview: Diagnosis and Treatment. Invited Speaker, Psychology Colloquium, Lewis and Clark College, Portland, OR.

March, 2008. The Truth About Eating Disorders Through the Voices of Courageous Women. Lewis and Clark College, Portland, OR.

February, 2008. Eating Disorders and Adolescence: Into the Open. Lincoln High School, Portland, OR.

January, 2008. The Relationship Between Eating Disorder Symptomatology and Intrapersonal Forgiveness in Anorexic and Bulimic Adult Females. 

October, 2007. Eating Disorders Overview: Diagnosis and Treatment. Invited Speaker, Psychology Colloquium, Lewis and Clark College, Portland, OR.

March, 2007. Eating Disorders and Adolescence: Into the Open. Research Symposium, Walden University, Dallas, TX, Lincoln High School, Portland, OR.

February, 2007. The Truth About Eating Disorders Through The Voices of Courageous Women. Lewis and Clark College, Portland, OR.

October, 2006. Eating Disorders Overview: Diagnosis and Treatment. Invited Speaker, Psychology Colloquium, Lewis and Clark College, Portland, OR.

April, 2006. Truth and Lies: Cognitive Distortions, Spiritual Distortions, And Paths to Freedom. Grace Community Church, Gresham, OR.

November, 2005. Eating Disorders Overview: Diagnosis and Treatment. Invited Speaker, Psychology Colloquium, Lewis and Clark College, Portland, OR.

April, 2005. Eating Disorders Overview and Treatment Strategies. Invited Speaker, Psychology Colloquium, Lewis and Clark College, Portland, OR.

February, 2004. Truth and Lies: Cognitive Distortions Rooted in Childhood Woundedness Invited Speaker, RHCC Community Church, Portland, OR.













































March, 2025. Watering with Words. Father-Daughter Date Night, New Life Church, Fayetteville, AR.

October, 2024. The Power of a Proactive Dad: Practical Action Steps Make All the Difference. Father-Daughter Summit (National Center for Fathering), Tulsa, OK.

August, 2024. Accidental Grandma: My Personal Story. Grandparent Night, City Hope Church, Daphne, AL.

March, 2024. Love is SWEET—Safe hugs, Words of affirmation, Eye contact, Empathy, Teach her about Jesus. Father-Daughter Date Night, New Life Church, Fayetteville, AR.

February, 2024. Equipping Grandparents in Facing Familial Challenges. The Grandparenting Imperative Summit, Naples, FL.

January, 2024. The Incredible Difference It Makes When a Dad Drops His Anger. Spokane Fatherhood Initiative: Anger Free Dad Class, Spokane, WA.

November, 2023. Therapeutic Foundations for Treating Dissociative Identity Disorder. Living Whole Hearted Counseling Clinic, Portland, OR.

March, 2023. Parent University Day Conference: Keynote Speaker. Crossings Community Church, Oklahoma, OK.

October, 2022. Initiating Life-Changing Conversations with Your Grandkids. Legacy Grandparenting Summit, Jacksonville, FL.

October, 2022. The Ripple Effect of Trauma: How Grandparents Can Become Models of Healing. Grand Monday Nights Legacy Coalition Virtual Workshop, Corona, CA.

October, 2022. Power Tools for Your Fathering Toolbox: Equipping You to Be the Dad Your Daughter Needs. The Fathers and Families Network: Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Child Cruelty Virtual Workshop, Boston, MA.

April, 2022. Parent with Purpose: Why Fathers Matter. Perfectly Imperfect Christian Parenting Virtual Conference.

July, 2021. Dad, You Are Your Daughter’s Mirror. Dad-Daughter Day, Camp Tillikum, Newberg, OR.

June, 2021. How to Open up Heartfelt Conversations about Anything and Everything with your Grandkids: Suggestions for Dialogues on the Most Meaningful Topics. Grand Monday Nights Legacy Coalition Virtual Workshop, Corona, CA.

October, 2020. Talk to Your Kids: A Parenting Panel. Katy Budget Books Virtual Workshop, Katy, TX.

August, 2019. Power Tools for Dads of Daughters to Help You Reach Her Heart…God’s Way. Men of Steel Conference, Andalusia, AL.

June, 2019. Dads and Daughters Training Manual. Father Training Day: Father Shift Conference, Life Change Church, Portland, OR.

May, 2019. When You Feel You Can’t Cope: An Honest Conversation about Depression and Suicide. Westside Christian High School, Portland, OR.

April, 2019. Messages on Mirrors and Other Power Tools: Equipping You to be the Dad Your Daughter Needs. Men in HD Conference, Sacramento, CA.

March, 2019. 5 Bold Ways to Engage Your Daughter’s Heart. Higher Ground Men’s Conference, Bellevue, WA.

June, 2018. Bringing the Father's Heart to Fathering Your Daughter. Open Table Conference, Portland, OR. 

April, 2018. Hey Daddy! Westside Christian High School, Portland, OR.

February, 2018. Messages on Mirrors and Other Power Tools: Equipping You to be the Dad Your Daughter Needs. Higher Ground Men’s Conference, Bellevue, WA.

November, 2017. 5 Bold Ways to Engage Your Daughter’s Heart. Fatherhood CoMission, Rome, GA.

November, 2017. Treasures in the Trash. Multnomah University, Portland, OR.

March, 2017. Dreaming Dreams Panel. IGNITE Women’s Conference, Vancouver, WA.

February, 2017. Thriving in Singleness Panel. IF Gathering, Tigard, OR.

February, 2017. Mirror, Mirror on the Wall. Father-Daughter Ball--Rockpoint Church, Lake Elmo, MN.

November, 2016. Messages on Mirrors. National Coalition of Ministries to Men, Denver, CO.

April, 2016. Dads with Daughters Q & A (via Skype). Rockpoint Church, Lake Elmo, MN.

March, 2016. Who Am I? Let your Father Tell You. IGNITE Women’s Conference, Vancouver, WA.

February, 2016. What I Wish I Would Have Known in High School. Westside Christian High School, Portland, OR.

January, 2016. Eating Disorders 101. West Hills Christian School, Portland, OR.

November, 2015. Engaging Fathers with Their Father. Parenting U-Rolling Hills Community Church, Portland, OR.

November, 2015. Engaging Fathers in Fathering. Parenting U--Rolling Hills Community Church, Portland, OR.

November, 2015. Messages on Mirrors. National Coalition of Ministries to Men, Denver, CO.

October, 2015. Who's Your Daddy? Girls Conference, Beaverton, OR.

September, 2015. Empowering Women to Fight the Right Battle. Eve's Daughters, Portland, OR.

May, 2015. Bones, Breath, Belonging. Liferoads Fellowship, Portland, OR.

May, 2015. Re-engaging Fathers in the Church. The Well Conference, Bend, OR.

May, 2015. Messages on Mirrors. Dads and Donuts, West Hills Christian School, Portland, OR.

March, 2015. Your Do is Not Your Who: Writing from Faith, Not for Fame. Faith and Culture Writer’s Conference, Portland, OR.

January, 2015. How Big is Your But [God]? Women of Influence Conference, Tualatin, OR.

November, 2014. The Secret to Looking Up When Things Are Looking Down. Beaverton Foursquare Church, Beaverton, OR.

March, 2014. My Story: How I Got From There to Here. Trauma Recovery Conference, Vancouver, WA.

February, 2014. What Kids REALLY Want From Their Dad. West Hills Christian School, Portland, OR.

January, 2014. Like Father, Like Daughter: Finding Your True Identity In Your Abba Father God. Women of Influence Conference, Tualatin, OR.

October, 2013. Sticks and Stones: Equipping Dads To Build A Legacy. Sunset Presbyterian Church Mens Event, Beaverton, OR.

September, 2013. My Story: The Real, The Raw, and The Restoration. Portland Business Luncheons, Portland, OR.

April, 2013. Writing And Landing A Book Deal. Faith and Culture Writers Connection, Portland, OR.

March, 2013. Sticks and Stones: Teaching Dads How To Invest With Precision. West Hills Christian School, Portland, OR.

February, 2013. Eating Disorders 101. West Hills Christian School, Portland, OR.

December, 2012. The Christmas Survival Guide For Women. 4Word, Portland, OR.

April, 2012. Girls Rule and Boys Drool: Holding True To Yourself in Today’s World. Beaverton Foursquare Church, Beaverton, OR.

May, 2011. God and the Bod. Beaverton Foursquare Church, Beaverton, OR.

July, 2010. Who Are You? Understanding the Truth of Your Identity. Portland Christian Center, Portland, OR.

June, 2010. Who Are You? Understanding the Truth of Your Identity. Beaverton Foursquare Church, Aldersgate Youth Camp, Turner, OR.

May, 2009. God and the Bod. Beaverton Foursquare Church, Beaverton, OR.

June & July, 2008. Who Are You? Understanding the Truth of Your Identity. Beaverton Foursquare Church, Aldersgate Youth Camp, Turner, OR.

April, 2008. Getting Through the Tuff Stuff With a Clear Head. Faith Bible High School, Portland, OR. 

February, 2006. Eating Disorders and Adolescence. Sunset Presbyterian Church, Portland, OR.