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Portland, OR

It’s my joy and honor to equip dads with practical tools to better dial into their daughters’ hearts.

With 25 years of experience as a licensed professional counselor and over 35 years working directly with teens and young adult women. Dr. Michelle Watson brings practical wisdom to dads with daughters of all ages.


The Dad Whisperer Podcast

Awarded ‘Best Podcast for Men’ by Spark Media.

It’s a joy and honor to equip dads with practical tools to better dial into their daughters’ hearts.

With 25 years of experience as a licensed professional counselor and over 35 years working directly with teens and young adult women, Dr. Michelle Watson Canfield brings practical wisdom to dads with daughters of all ages.

Making Amends: How One Dad Did it Right

Michelle Watson

Joining me in the studio today are Scott and his adult daughter, Leanne, who courageously share their story of working through challenges in their relationship, which has now led them to be closer than ever before. I believe their vulnerability will inspire you as they allow us into their healing process.

10 Things Dialed-in Dads of Daughters Don't Do

Michelle Watson

Dad, as a way to support your desire to connect with your daughter’s heart, I will highlight 10 “landmines” to avoid if you want to raise a healthy, vibrant, loving, and spirited daughter. Join me today on The Dad Whisperer to learn 10 things dialed-in dads don’t do!

Fathering a Daughter with Unique Needs

Michelle Watson

Today on The Dad Whisperer I have a special guest joining me in the studio: Amy Roloff of TLC's "Little People, Big World." She opens up about her relationship with her dad and shares how he helped build her confidence. You're going to love hearing her story!

Single Girls Really Need Their Dads, Too

Michelle Watson

Dads, if you have a single daughter, you won't want to miss this interview today with my dear friend, Lauree Austin, as she speaks about navigating life as a single adult woman in a world that often caters to couples. She even lets us in on ways that her dad intentionally pursues her heart in this season of her life!

What Romance Means to Your Daughter

Michelle Watson

With this being the day before Valentines Day, we're going to be talking about ROMANCE on The Dad Whisperer today. Listen in and learn the ONE WORD that captures what your daughter longs to hear more than any other when it comes to her heart needs.

Father Hunger: What Your Daughter is Starving For

Michelle Watson

Today on my radio program for dads of daughters, we'll be talking about "FATHER HUNGER: What Your Daughter is Starving For."

Not only will I be sharing my eating disorder story, as well as quoting excerpts from my good friend Dave Patty's new book, but I'll encourage you to focus on AFFIRMATION, ACCEPTANCE, AFFECTION, and ALLIANCE.

Grands Matter with Dr. Ken Canfield

Michelle Watson

Today on The Dad Whisperer, I’m absolutely privileged to welcome for a second time Dr. Ken Canfield, founder of both the National Center for Fathering as well as the new National Association for Grandparenting (GrandsMatter).

Dr. Ken will talk about the powerful role of grandfathers, not only from his vantage point as one himself, but as a leader in this area of research. Dr. Ken believes grandparents are increasingly vital not only to our communities but to our nations entire—as they have a specific and unique role in strengthening families across generations. He and his association seek to validate, equip, and empower grandparents to leave a legacy, whether natural or spiritual (or both) which will not be forgotten.

You don’t want to miss his incredible insights and heart on this special topic on today's program because GRANDS MATTER.

Growing Older without a Father: Taylor's Story

Michelle Watson

As we all know, the impact to a daughter’s life when she loses her dad are immense. Today Taylor Smith is joining me to talk about what it’s been like for her to grow up in her father’s absence after he died during her senior year of high school. This conversation is raw and real and one that will touch your heart while giving HOPE that there is LIFE after LOSS.

So What's a Spiritual Leader Anyway?

Michelle Watson

Dad, do you ever disqualify yourself when it comes to being a spiritual leader in your home? If so, you’re not alone. Today I’m going to share practical ACTION STEPS that daughters have told me they want from their dad in this area. My ongoing desire is to equip you to be the hero that you want to be and your kids need you to be…and leading spiritually is a key way to do just that. On your mark, get set…GO!

Drop the Anger

Michelle Watson

I believe there is ONE THING that makes all the difference between being a great dad and a mediocre one. Join me today as I give you the answer to what it is.

Leaving a Legacy

Michelle Watson

Dads, you'll leave your kids a legacy one way or another—for good or bad. Join me today as I share a powerful story of one dad’s impact on his children that's continued to shape them and communicate love even though he's no longer here with them. I'll help you clarify the legacy you want to leave.

Dads Matter

Michelle Watson

You're not going to want to miss my interview today with Dr. Ken Canfield, my dear friend and founder of the National Center for Fathering. As the author of 12 books, Ken is an international influencer who's committed his life to strengthening fathers and their families. Join in as Ken shares his incredible insights on what makes a great dad.

Perfume Day: A Conversation with My Dad

Michelle Watson

I’m so excited to have my dad in the studio today where we’ll be talking about one of my favorite days of the year: PERFUME DAY! Listen in as we share why we think this can be a great tradition to start with your own daughters. 

Dad, Here are Your Lines

Michelle Watson

Dads of daughters, today on my radio program The Dad Whisperer, I'll help you "decode" your daughter's communication. Why? Because most often, women READ BETWEEN THE LINES of what you're saying--even when you think you've been straightforward & clear. Knowing HOW she's hearing you not only improves your interactions with her--it can empower you to change her self-image for the better! I'm going to give you WHAT TO SAY to help you bridge the communications-gap and help her hear your heart for her!

Question to Learn

Michelle Watson

Dads, on my program today, I'll coach you on how to ask your daughter questions that actually WORK! I'll share one of the most powerful tools for your "Fathering Toolbox," (and tell you why the question "Why?" is usually the least effective of them all)!

I'm looking forward to today's broadcast--as I work WITH you to promote growth and positive change in your relationship with your daughter!