10 Reasons I'm Really Thankful for Fathers
Michelle Watson
Since this is Thanksgiving Week, I figured it was a fitting time to let you dads hear from my heart about what I really think about you!
Having come alongside girls and young women now for the past 35 years, I can undoubtedly say that a father is one, if not the most important person in his daughter’s life.
Yes, moms are essential and necessary and important on more levels than I can count, but every mom out there would support me in saying that her dad was vital to her core sense of identity. He helped shape her self esteem and self worth, and the foundation that her dad laid (or didn’t lay) has impacted how she still views herself today.
Now back to dads. I want you to know what I really honestly think and believe about you. Plain and clear. Straight to the point. This is why you really make a difference.
1. You are the one whose opinion matters most.
2. Your attention communicates more per square inch than you’d imagine.
(I’m not sure why it does, but it just does. You’ll have to believe me on that one!)
3. When you show up, it carries more relational points than most anyone else.
4. When you provide for her needs, she settles into knowing she’ll be okay.
5. Your gaze shouts that she really does have value.
6. Your smile tells her she’s loved and special.
7. You make her day with the way you respond.
8. When you’re proud of her, she thrives in doing anything to ensure that you are.
9. When you’re around, she feels safe.
10. Your support makes her believe she can do anything as long as you’re there.
So just in case you ever think that your presence in your daughter’s life is insignificant or less than essential, please trust me when I say that this couldn’t be further from the truth.
I am thankful for each of you and the way you are literally changing the core of our culture from the ground up by being intentional and consistent in pursuit of your daughter’s hearts!
To sum it up I simply say, “Thanks Dads.”
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