Dr. Michelle Watson Canfield

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One REALLY CREATIVE WAY to Connect With Your Daughter During the Corona Crisis

A friend of mine sent me a video of a dad and his four-year old daughter creating their own musical montage to Taylor Swift's hit song, ‘Shake it Off.’ The title above the video read: “She Left Her Husband and Daughter Home Alone. What They Did? Prepare to Smile.”  

The blurb says that while some dads park their kids in front of the television so they can relax, this dad did the opposite. He brought out props and costumes and created something magical with his little girl that she most likely will never forget. It didn’t cost money but it cost him time and energy. 

The write-up ended by saying that this dad did all of this “with so much palpable joy that it's impossible not to smile. This little girl's lucky to have such a fun, loving dad.”

I have no doubt this video went viral. Why? Because every woman who sees it will share it with all of her friends and every smile will come from projecting herself onto the screen. 

Let me say it another way: Every daughter wants a relationship with her dad like this little girl has with her daddy: connected, fun, interactive, engaging, sweet, and loving.

And lest we think that dads aren’t equally impacted by this video, I happened to mention it to a former Abba Project dad named Mike and he had actually watched it earlier in the day. I asked why he watched it and without hesitation he said,

“I wanted to see the connection because I’m so conscious now of connecting to a daughter’s heart.” 

There it is:

Connection. Daughter. Heart. 

Mike went on to say, “Why am I not more proactive than reactive? I want more do-overs with my kids.  I want to be more present.”

Dad, I encourage you to take Mike’s words and turn them to action. Live as if today was your do-over. Find ways to be more present, more proactive, and more engaged with your daughter.

In this time of quarantine where we’re confined to our homes, there’s no better time to make a music video with your daughter. 

Ham it up. 

Be creative. 

Get out old clothes and use them as props. 

Let her pick the song. 

Be willing to make a fool of yourself. 

All to create a lasting memory. 

Then post your video on social media with the hashtag #daddaughterduo.

To be a connected dad, it’s going to take work. But like any worthwhile project, the harder the work, the greater the value. And the harder the work, the greater the reward.

Just remember: The most important part in all of this is turning your heart (not just your head) toward your daughter. And because it’s not about being perfect, but about being present, let the videos begin as your creativity and laughter pave the way for more magical, bonding moments with your girl.