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For more information about any resources I have to offer, please contact me here!  I'd love to hear from you!

Portland, OR

It’s my joy and honor to equip dads with practical tools to better dial into their daughters’ hearts.

With 25 years of experience as a licensed professional counselor and over 35 years working directly with teens and young adult women. Dr. Michelle Watson brings practical wisdom to dads with daughters of all ages.

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The Scary Side of Fathering a Daughter

Michelle Watson

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Since tomorrow is Halloween I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to do a little play on words as I write my Dad-Daughter Friday blog this week!

I’ve interacted with a lot of dads over the past six years, hearing stories not only about their love of being a father to a daughter, but also about their legitimate  ambivalence over the enormity of the task. Here’s my synthesis of those conversations, which I’m simply calling the SCARY side of fathering a daughter.”  

This emotional reality for dads take place when:

  • She requires more of your words, time, money, and energy than you had expected or realized when she was in the womb.

  • Her moods change faster than you change your socks and you literally cannot always keep up or figure her out. 

  • She asks you the hard questions that aren’t just about why the sky is blue and the world is round, but instead wants to know about your past and mistakes you’ve made because she wants to know the truth about who you really are.

  • You wake up one day and realize she’s not a little girl anymore and now “that boy” seems to have taken up residence in her heart space, in the exact same place that used to have a “No Boys Allowed” sign on the door.

  • You blew it and got angry and have the renewed awareness that you have the power to damage your precious flower in one fell swoop if you’re not careful.

  • You fear the outcome as you tentatively walk into her room, all the while feeling the cold prickly chill in the air and noticing that her emotional walls are up, yet you go in anyway as you seek to break through the wall.

  • You face the fact that the older she gets you really have little to no control over what she does when she’s outside your house because now it’s time for her to make her own choices (ones that may not line up with “the way you raised her”).

  • You realize you are a physical representation on earth of her Father in heaven and are keenly aware that this assignment is way over your head.

Dad, do any of these things bring up fear inside your soul? I imagine they do. I realize there’s not a one-size-fits-all solution to take care of the intense realities that you face as a father.

But at the same time, I believe that the little things you do can yield big dividends. 

I’d like to suggest a five-step path to support your heart goal of being a dialed-in dad even with the FRIGHTENING and CONFUSING dynamics that may rise inside you. When the task at hand requires more than you sometimes believe you can master here are a few things to keep in mind. 

I’ll use your five senses for easy recall on how to press in order to pursue your daughter’s heart: 


Make eye contact with her every day. And because they say that “eyes are the window to the soul,” you’ll be able to tell how she’s really doing if you get close enough to look into her baby blues (or browns or greens). In an often hostile world, your eyes of love will go a long way toward making her believe she’ll make it because she’ll see her reflection of worth and value in the mirror of your eyes.


Active listening means leaning forward, nodding your head, setting down your remote and cell phone while paying attention to what she’s saying (long as it may be). If you repeat back the words she says it will help you stay engaged rather than zoning out or inactively listening, especially if you’re tired after a long day or are honestly disinterested in the drama encircling her life. Remember that her world is centered around relationships and when you listen with patience and kindness, it lets her know she matters to you.


Did you know that our sense of smell syncs with the part of our brain that is tied to learning and emotion? Because we link scents to events, you can help create a bonding, soothing, positive memory experience for your daughter (particularly if she’s in “one of her moods”) by enhancing the aromatic space around her. Practical Idea: Buy her a candle or perfume of her favorite scent to use as aromatherapy when she’s stressed. [Calm daughter = calm dad. Better said: Compassionate, patient, steady dad = calm daughter.]


It’s hard to be upset when enjoying a fun tasty treat that I like to call a “happy flavor.” (If you’ve ever tried Passion Tea Lemonade at Starbucks, you’ll know what I mean). As a way to stay current with your ever-growing daughter, find out what her favorite tastes are and then find a way connect via that food or drink. You could even surprise her by bringing her that favorite food to brighten her day. (A current Abba Project Dad just drove to his 17-year daughter’s school during lunch to bring her a favorite meal. She told me that she can’t stop talking about it! I say, “Way to go dad in creating a forever memory for your daughter!”)


If safe touch calms babies, how can it not be what we still need as we age? Find a way to make physical contact with your daughter every day. Embrace her with a hug. Kiss her cheek. Squeeze her hand. Give her a high five. Wrestle with her. (An Abba Project Dad said that he stopped wrestling with his 18-year old daughter as she “developed physically” around the age of 13, but when they started wrestling again while he was in the group, he beamed as he described the positive relational benefits they were experiencing due to more healthy physical contact.)

Whatever age and stage your daughter is in can be the perfect time to let your five senses lead the way to actively communicating love to your girl.

Let today be the day you take action so that the SCARY side to fathering loses its grip. By proactively moving beyond your fear you will be going the extra mile to prove to yourself and to your daughter that real dads don’t back off when they’re SCARED!

Three Little Words That Will Change Your Daughter's Life (and they're not "I love you")

Michelle Watson

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My dad, like every dad, has things he’s done right and things he’s done wrong when it comes to parenting.

There are things he’s proud of (especially the things that were 180 degrees different from what his dad modeled to him) and things he’d rather forget. 

But from my vantage point as a daughter there is one thing in particular that my dad did right, one thing that stands out among the rest, one thing that has touched my heart deeply and has gone a long way to remedy the mistakes, blunders, and the wishes for do-overs. 

It’s a little three-word response that my dad has said so many times over the years that I’ve lost count by now. They are simply:

Anything for you.”

I wish I could play you a sound byte so you could hear his tone of voice when saying these words, but I assure you that they’re always said in a really kind way.  I don’t know how he’s pulled it off for decades now, but this is truly where he’s gotten it right time and again.

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These words are grace. 
These words are mercy
These words are generous.
These words are unmerited favor.
These words are good for my heart. Really good. The hot-fudge-with-whipped-cream-and-sprinkles kind of good.

I can’t explain how three little words can change everything, but they do.

I’m guessing there are times my dad truly hasn’t wanted to step up to the plate and give of himself to meet my needs, but he doesn’t let me know that part. He just says these three magic words and gives them as a gift to me. 

And because my “emergencies” and his schedule don’t always line up, this is definitely a priority thing on his part. Whether it was my broken down car on the side of the road, my water heater that went out at 9 pm. and meant he had to drive over late at night when he’d rather be winding down, or the times he’s insisted on mowing my lawn despite his hip causing him pain and being in need of surgery. He has cared about the things, little and big, that matter to me.

You may not know this but my dad literally lacked a role model in the fathering department. His dad was an alcoholic and abandoned the family when he was only seven or eight years old. Suffice it to say, being a father was the last thing my dad had a clue about, especially being the father to four girls! But somehow he learned (and was willing to learn) from watching other dads, which proves that any dad can turn things around in his generation regardless of the template he’s been given.

Truth be told, sometimes life has a way of communicating and reinforcing a message to us women telling us that we ask too much. For me personally (when this view is in the forefront), I wind up believing that I need to prove that I’m tough and can navigate things on my own without asking anyone for help, let alone my dad.

But this really isn’t healthy. Or good. Or realistic.

It’s a paradigm that spells disaster because we’re created to need connection and relationship. Simon and Garfunkel understood this concept in spades as they captured the heartache of someone who is closed off from love in their 1965 hit song I am a Rock:

"I am a rock, I am an island. And a rock feels no pain. And an island never cries." 

Bottom line:
1. Relationships dispel isolation.
2. It doesn’t work to be self-sufficient where we pretend to be without needs.


Dad, you have the power and the privilege to meet your daughter’s needs, whether or not they seem legitimate or of high priority to you. Listen to what she says and then offer to come alongside and offer your help.

Why not take the step today and add this life-changing vocal triad to your dad-daughter repertoire. 

You’ll get to watch the core of your daughter’s soul take flight as she hears you respond to her convenient and inconvenient requests with these three little yet BIG words:

Anything for you.”

How to Help Your Daughter Find Her Muchness

Michelle Watson

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I can’t imagine that many of you dads have seen Tim Burton’s 2010 version of Alice in Wonderland. But then again, maybe you have! 

One of the reasons I love this film is because of the way it parallels the developmental process of a young girl who is struggling to figure out her place in her own life story.

At first glance this may seem like a story that doesn’t have much relevance to the father-daughter relationship. But if you take a second look, I believe there’s a powerful lesson for you, Dad, if you’d like another insight for understanding your ever-growing daughter.

The movie begins with our heroine, a teenage Alice Kingsleigh, who inadvertently tumbles down a rabbit hole (for a second time in her life), only to find herself trapped inside a strange land that has turned her world upside down and backwards (all references to adolescent stages of maturity are merely coincidental!). Alice has no memory of having ever been there before, a position that is supported by the quirky Mad Hatter (played by Johnny Depp) who tells her that she couldn’t possibly be “the real Alice” he had met years earlier because the last time she had been there she was “much more…muchier.” 

Then he hits a home run insult by adding, “you’ve lost your “muchness.”

When I first heard that line, it wrapped itself instantly around my core, even as an adult. I actually started crying as those words reverberated inside me as if in full range stereo. There was something about them that immediately struck a cord in me as a woman. I too wondered if I had lost my muchness somewhere along the way. I just hadn’t ever worded it quite like that, which is why it took my breath away.


 For me, just like for Alice, the word “much” hasn’t always been a positive word. The first memory I have stored in the invisible file cabinet inside my brain is tucked in a folder with the word “much” on it.

The entry has to do with four powerful words that were stated year after year by my elementary teachers on my report cards:  

“ Michelle talks too much.

(cue visual memories of standing in the school hallway as punishment for my inability to keep my verbal comments to myself!)

Digging further into my mental file cabinet, the second item in the “much folder is that of the innumerable comments I heard repeatedly from a guy I dated for a couple of years in my late 20’s. He seemed to thrive on telling me his version of what he thought was “too much” about me. According to him I apparently used the words “cute” and “awesome” too much, laughed too much, weighed too much, and on it went (hard to believe that I dated him for two years, which was clearly way too long!). 

Basically it was the same theme (as in childhood), different day.

Here’s where I can relate to Alice: Somewhere along the way I began to doubt that I was enough: good enough, strong enough, thin enough, this enough, that enough. As a result, I got lost in my own developmental process and was drawn to a guy who reinforced the lies, a guy who seemed to ally with the insecure part of me that was looking for someone outside of myself to validate and approve of me. 

Alice, at the end of the movie, accepts the fact that she has to confront something that terrifies her. As she steps forward, sword in hand, she shouts her heroic battle cry and declares, “lost my muchness, have I?”

Though afraid, she boldly faces her fear as she fights and then slays the dreaded Jabberwochy. She uncovers a newfound courage by going through the battle to discover her destiny, which ends the Red Queen’s evil reign of terror. We watch as Alice beautifully transforms from an insecure, tentative girl into a fierce warrior woman who powerfully kicks timidity to the curb.


But the deeper truth is that she faced her own dragon and in the process, found herself.

  • Has your daughter discovered and found her muchness? (that part of her that is passionate and scared… all at the same time; that part of her that wears you out sometimes, but is tied to her calling and gifting and makes her uniquely spectacular)

  • Have you encouraged her to find her muchness by taking steps outside of her comfort zone while you provide support?

  • Is there a battle she needs to face that holds the key to her embracing her muchness?

Dad, foster your daughter’s muchness. Or if she’s lost it, help her find it again.

  • Make sure to tell her that she can do whatever she believes is possible. 

  • Tell her that she has to face her fears in order to be fierce. 

  • Let her know that you will support her in any way you can (financially by funding her passions, physically with your presence, spiritually through prayer, and emotionally by listening to what she learns along the way even when interspersed with emotional upheavals) while expressing that there’s no where you’d rather be than in her cheering section because you know she has it in her to be and do more than she believes is possible. Even if she’s afraid.

Your daughter needs you to believe in her, especially when she’s unsure about how to fully believe in herself. 

And always remember that her muchness will change the world. 

The ABC's of Fathering

Michelle Watson

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With this being the official start of the new school year (despite all the Covid-19 restrictions that definitely make it feel different), I thought it would be fun to take a walk down memory lane and lead you in a review of your A-B-C’s.

Of course you know I’m talking about a different use of those three letters as I introduce a new way to think about dialing into your daughter’s heart with what I like to call, “The ABC’s of Fathering.” 


I’m guessing that you had a favorite superhero growing up. I also assume that the reason you identified with that particular crime fighter was because he took action. Could you even imagine an impotent, lethargic, unmotivated, and distracted version of your champion? Of course not!

It’s the same with fathering. In order to be your daughter’s superhero, you have to take action to intentionally and consistently pursue her heart. And by “heart” I am referring to her core self that feels passionate and comes alive when being all of who she was created to be.

You probably already have a handle on what action steps touch your daughter’s heart, but in case you’d like an extra idea or two, action ideas include (but are not limited to): daily affirming her in written or verbal ways, showing up at events she is involved in, patiently holding her emotional reactivity, being present with your attention, listening fully, investing financially, and leading spiritually. (For more practical ideas on engaging your daughter’s heart, check out my new book, Let’s Talk: Conversation Starters for Dads and Daughters).

Be the man you want her to marry.

The best way you can ensure that your daughter will marry a quality dude and not a dud is to model the kind of guy you want her to walk down the aisle to. 

You communicate more about her value and worth by the way you treat her than any lecture you could ever give. Stated otherwise, more is caught than taught. Let her experience in real time what it feels like to be treated like a lady and a woman of worth and value by you, the first man who held her heart and the one guy in the world who doesn’t have a hidden agenda in loving her.



There is a great verse that says, “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is like a tree of life” (Proverbs 13:12). This essentially means that if you make a promise to your daughter, keep it or she’ll shut down and lose her vibrancy.

And the result of being a promise-keeping, heart-pursuing, truth-speaking, tender-loving, consistent, stay-the-course dad to your daughter are as follows: 

  • She will have a full heart that stays open (the opposite of being “heart sick”)

  • She will be a vibrant, growing, maturing, life-giving “tree” (with limbs that reach up to the heavens and reach out to love others)

  • She will have greater self-confidence, more emotional stability, and succeed in reaching her life goals (all of this is confirmed in the research).  

When your daughter consistently experiences that she can trust you because your words bless her and your actions affirm her, she will internalize your view of her. Your steady, dependable, reliable, and faithful pursuit of her heart will yield dividends that last long after you’re gone. She is your forever investment.

Like you’ve heard me say before: The harder the work, the greater the value. And the harder the work, the greater the reward. Your daughter is worth the work. She is your reward.  

So there it is. A “1-2-3, A-B-C” formula with an action plan that works if you work it. Why not choose one item from the list above right now to make your focus for this upcoming school year as you grow in new ways alongside your daughter?

There’s no better time than the present to kick these ABC’s into action in order to be the dad you want to be and that your daughter needs you to be. 

At The End of Your Life...

Michelle Watson

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I’m at the age where increasing numbers of friends are saying their forever goodbyes to loved ones. I can honestly say that more often than not I struggle to know how to best come alongside them in their grief. I still remember when one of my long-time friends lost her dad to cancer. Her heart deeply ached as she watched her once-strong father suffer, making his passing particularly bittersweet.

Then only three weeks later, I attended a memorial service for a well-loved, 42-year old friend of mine, a mom with three sons, whose unexpected death left a large community in shock as we all tried to wrap our minds and hearts around the fact that she was really gone.

[Her husband, Thom, has recently written an incredible memoir titled, Good Grief: One Husband's Journey from Incapacitating Fear to Overwhelming Joy” and it’s available now. I endorsed it and highly recommend it as a resource for walking through loss.]

There’s nothing like the end of someone’s life to challenge everyone to do some serious soul searching about what really matters.

Do you ever wonder what your kids will say about you after you’re gone?

I think this is a good question to ponder. The truth is that the way you answer this question will significantly impact the way you live today…and tomorrow…and the day after that.

You know this already, but it bears repeating: We all leave a legacy. One way or another, we leave an imprint that lasts beyond our days on earth. 

Thus, I invite you to ask yourself another question, one that I often pose to dads of daughters because it leads them to be brutally honest:


At the end of my life, if my daughter had only ONE THING
to say about me, I’d want it to be...

I am always blown away at the incredible warmth and depth that arises from the hearts of fathers who share with me that they want their daughters to truly know how much they are loved by them. 

Here’s a few specific responses I’ve heard from dads in response to this question:

  • That I was always there.

  • That I loved her just the way she is.

  • That I understand her.

  • That my dad was the source of the courage and confidence I needed to take chances.

  • That my dad was there when I needed him.

  • That he was the best dad I could have asked for.

  • That each one of my girls will say, 'I was his favorite.’

How about you? How are you completing this sentence right now? 

With pen (or phone) in hand, jot down your response and keep it written somewhere that you can see it---whether on a notecard, in your day-timer, or on your smartphone---and live today with the end in view. 

Dad, your legacy will live on into the future in direct proportion to your heart investment in your daughter’s life in the present.

P.S. If you could use more support in knowing how to open up challenging conversations with your daughter about grief and loss, I encourage you to get my new book, Let’s Talk: Conversation Starters for Dads and Daughters where there is an entire section titled, Lead Her to Lament. All the scripts you’ll need to engage your daughter in deeper dialogues are there to build your competence and confidence. 

8 Secrets to Becoming an Active Daughter Listener (Guest Blog With Dr. Ken Canfield)

Michelle Watson

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Today I’ve invited my husband, Dr. Ken Canfield, founder of the National Center for Fathering, to share some secrets he’s learned over the years when it comes to really listening to the women in his family. With three daughters, one daughter-in-law, and nine granddaughters, suffice it to say that he’s had lots of practice! I know you’ll appreciate hearing his practical ideas for strengthening your auditory skill set as we co-author today’s blog.    
~ Michelle

Dad, did you know that when you listen to your daughter, you actually help to build her self-esteem, self-worth and self-confidence?! (Unfortunately, that’s not anything they tell you before you become a father, which is why I’m shouting this from the rooftops so you can say you heard it here!). 

This is how I explain it in my new book, Let’s Talk: Conversation Starters for Dads and Daughters:

The truth is when a woman is listened to, she stands upright with greater self-confidence. And if the one listening to her is her father, the power of this reality increases exponentially. 

You see, a settledness takes hold in the depths of a woman’s being when she knows that she doesn’t have to shout above all the noise just to be heard. And a power takes root in her when she fully believes that she matters because what she thinks and feels matters. 

Dad, you play a very important role in validating your daughter’s worth by listening to what she has to say,

  • even if what she says doesn’t fully make sense to you

  • even if you disagree with her opinion or choices, and

  • even if you are pushed past your limits of emotional and verbal exhaustion. 

That said, here are a few tips from Ken that you can put into ACTION today to let your daughter know that you care about what she has to say because you are listening to every word (or as many as possible, that is!)

1. Face your daughter squarely. This says, “I’m available to you; I choose to be with you.” This also means putting away or turning off all distractions, like cell phones and other screens and background noise.

2. Adopt an open posture. Crossed arms and legs say, “I’m not interested.” An open posture shows your daughter that you’re open to her and what she has to say.

3. Put yourself on your daughter’s level. Kneel, squat down, lie across her bed, lean toward her. This communicates, “I want to know more about you.”  

4. Maintain good eye contact. Have you ever talked to someone whose eyes seem to be looking at everything in the room but you? How did that make you feel? That’s not something you want your daughter to experience with you. (Time for a Dad check-in: Did you really put your cell phone away?) 

5. Stay relaxed. If you fidget nervously as your daughter is talking, she’ll think you’d rather be somewhere else. That’s counterproductive.


6. Watch your daughter. Learn to read her nonverbal behavior: posture, body movements, and gestures. Notice frowns, smiles, raised brows, and twisted lips. Listen to her voice quality and pitch, emphasis, pauses, and inflections. The way in which your daughter says something can tell you more than what she is actually saying. 

[I, Michelle, totally stand in unison with Ken on this one. Your tone of voice, Dad, can shut her down or open her up to you. Set the example with the tone of voice and attitude that you would like her to emulate.]

7. Actively give your daughter nonverbal feedback. Nod. Smile. Raise your eyebrows. Look surprised. These small signals mean more than you realize. They’ll encourage your daughter to open up even more and let you into her life.

8. The last step to listening is . . . speaking. But, before you give your response, restate in your own words what she has told you. That proves you were listening, and it also gives her the opportunity to say, “Yes, that’s it exactly,” or “No, what I really mean is this …” Remember, the goal of communication is understanding the other person, not proving your point.  

There are too many adult women who lament that their fathers never cared about them or what they had to say. They didn’t feel valued then, and still don’t, even years later. 

Listening isn’t easy, but it’s worth every bit of effort if you want to raise and empowered daughter, which we both know you do!

Dad, Don't "Should" On Your Daughter

Michelle Watson

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By now, dad, you know that I love giving you what I call, “insider Venusian trade secrets” so that you are more equipped to decode your daughters. Today I’m adding another tool to your fathering toolbox to support that goal. 

I don’t know what it is about the word “should” that makes it a negative, power-packed word on my planet of Venus, but I’m telling you that I literally hear this word all the time. And it ain’t good!

Here are some examples of things I’ve heard from women just this week (for real!): 

  • I don’t know what’s wrong with me…I should be grateful for all the good things happening in my life, but I’m just so depressed.

  • All my friends are doing things right-like saving money, moving towards marriage, buying a house, having babies, and on it goes. When I see all that’s going right for them, it makes me think of what I’m not doing and all the things I should have been doing long before now. I’m way behind where I want to be and won’t ever catch up.

  • When I get around my friends, I constantly compare myself to them and think that I should be more like them. But the truth is that I feel like a fraud. I don’t fit in because they’re all prettier, richer, and more accomplished than me.

  • I should be getting up earlier and spending more time with God, but I never get that right either.

  • I’m so stressed right now and feel so much pressure constantly to make everyone happy and it seems that someone is always disappointed in me or mad at me. I know I should be doing more, but I can barely keep my head above water as it Is and hardly have any time for myself.

Dad, let me ask you: Does your heart break like mine as you hear these collective voices of self-condemnation that are doused with a thick dose of unrealistic expectations, smothered by the constant pressure to measure up? 


For me, as I worked my way down this list, I noticed a mounting heaviness, even some sadness, as each self-deprecating sentence unfolded. Every one of these women feels like she’s not doing enough or being enough while seeing herself as falling short when she compares herself to those around her. It all amounts to: SHE’s not enough.

In fact, it’s this comparison game that is destroying her self confidence, her happiness, her inner peace, her joy, her optimism, her perspective, her energy…and on it goes. 

I’m guessing you’ve heard similar messages from your daughters.

Here’s what I say time and again to women when I hear these words: “Don’t ‘should’ on yourself.”

As you can imagine, initially there’s an awkward laugh because she thinks I meant to say a different word…and that’s part of my strategy for lightening the atmosphere in the room, even if just for a minute. When a woman starts down the dreaded “should” path, my desire is to guide her to see what it’s doing to her. And I’ve discovered that most women don’t even know they’ve said these words until I’ve pointed them out!

Here’s the best part: I notice that a positive shift begins to happen when a woman clearly sees the amount of undue pressure she’s putting on herself. 

Now that you’re more informed about the mental struggles that tend to barrage us as Venusians, I want to point out that even though you don’t intend to add more pressure when addressing things that need changing, the reality is that your daughter is often weighed down by your “should” messages. 

What she hears is that she’s a failure and a disappointment to you. And since she already believes that about herself much of the time anyway, it’s oftentimes more than she can bear. 

And yes, her attitudes and behaviors are things that need correcting and shaping at various times and in certain situations…BUT REMEMBER:

  1. It’s all about timing. Wait until you…and she…are in a good emotional space where you are able to convey your message well, which increases the chances that it will be received positively by her. Otherwise, it’s a recipe for disaster.

  2. It’s all about noticing. Before speaking, take the time to listen and find out if there’s something deeper going on that may be causing her to be sour or unpleasant. If she’s already had a bad day, decide that now isn’t the time to “should” on her. Come back and talk to her later if you want to reach her heart. And you’ll see that it’s always a win when you speak to her heart – the deeper part – before speaking to her behavior or attitude.

  3. It’s all about validating. Make it your goal to hear her side of the story while seeking to understand why things went down the way they did. Wait to give feedback until she’s open, and with this slight course correction in WHEN you respond, HOW you respond, and WHAT you say when you respond, you will increase the likelihood of a successful interaction.

If you’re a dad who doesn’t want to “should” on your daughter, decide today to omit the word “should” from your vocabulary. Instead, find other words to make statements, ask questions, or nudge her to action.

Try it out and let me know how it goes. Better said, I really think you should try this and then let me know how it goes!  :o)

Are You Ready For a Game-Changing Dad-Daughter Book?

Michelle Watson

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Hey Dads...

I’m so excited to announce that I have a new book being released on August 4th titled, Let’s Talk: Conversation Starters for Dads and Daughters. 

My heart motivation behind this book is YOU. And now the best way you can support me is to pre-order your copy today…and share this with your friends! [click here to preorder]

Because I’ve been listening to you as fathers of daughters for the last decade, here’s basically what you’ve told me:

“We want a book that tells us what to do and how to do it so we don’t screw up. It needs to get to the point so we can get it right when it comes to connecting with our daughters.”

You asked. I listened. 

As we all know, it can be a daunting task for dads and daughters to talk about the hard stuff, the deep stuff, the vulnerable stuff, and the complex stuff.  And a lot of dads have told me they prefer to leave some of those heavier topics to mom.

But trust me when I say that your daughter needs YOU to initiate conversations with her---about anything and everything. And even if those interactions are awkward at first, if you stay with it, you’ll see the positive impacts to her…and yourself!

Here’s the bottom line:

When a daughter opens her mouth, her heart opens.
And when a daughter’s heart is open, her dad’s heart automatically opens.


The most effective starting point for building a stronger dad-daughter bond is through TALKING. That’s why I wrote this book. I want to see healthier, closer relationships between dads and daughters so this generation of women is empowered with dad’s support to stand boldly, live confidently, love fiercely, give fully, and care deeply. 

My goal with Let’s Talk is to help you as dads close the communication gap with your daughters by showing you how to listen and build trust with insights and scripted questions that equip you to move from fun get-to-know-you chats to deep discussions that dive into your daughters’ struggles, hurts, fears, and hopes. 

Let’s Talk covers a large array of topics such as personality, future dreams, spirituality, sexuality, body image, depression, anxiety, and suicide, to name a few. With scripts in hand, you’ll be equipped to lead your daughter to:

1. LAUGH. This is a great starting point where you’ll share laughter so she can enhance her own self-discovery while opening up about light-hearted topics.

2. LOVE. By learning to love herself first, out of that overflow she can pour her beautiful affection and real love positively into the world.

3. LOOK. Here she will begin to go deeper by engaging in self-examination regarding her relationships with herself, others, and God/Higher Power. 

4. LAMENT. Your goal here, dad, is to get close enough to hear her heart cries and true longings while making amends for any hurts you’ve caused her. 

5. LISTEN. Now it’s time to flip the script where she will ask you questions about your life while learning to take an interest in your story and expand her skill set as an active listener.

I always say that your daughter didn’t come with a playbook, but I’m going to help you write one. By following this practical, action-oriented book, as a #girldad you will increase your confidence and competence as your focus becomes sharper in knowing how to be the best dialed-in dad you can be to your daughter. 

So let the talking begin!

Dadvice: What to Do When Your Daughter Gets On Your Last Nerve

Michelle Watson


I had the privilege of hearing renowned author Anne Lamott speak at Powell’s, one of our infamous Portland bookstores. At one point in her talk she had us all uproariously laughing when she admitted that years ago as a new mom and exhausted single parent she had the understandably human thought to put her crying newborn baby boy outside…for just one night…with the dog! (As if those last two qualifiers somehow made it okay!)

It was refreshing to hear Anne’s gut-level honest disclosure about parenting. And it was clear from the enthusiastic response of the crowd that her irreverent revelations about her secret thought life when it comes to mothering brought a bit of relief because most likely every mom and dad in the room could relate to the fact that:

  1. Parenting is hard.

  2. Parenting is exhausting.

  3. Parenting is relentless with no reneging on the commitment.

  4. Parenting takes more out of mom and dad than each knew they were signing up for.

  5. Parenting has the potential to lead two rational adults to the brink of insanity!

Now let’s shift gears and focus specifically on fathering. 

As a dad you no doubt have had your buttons pushed by your daughter (probably this week…or even today…especially as she grows older). You may have found yourself wondering how she figured out the password that gained her access into your internal hard drive, the one that activates every response in you that you promised you’d never have as a father. 

And there you are, responding in anger or with a harsh reaction, impatience, or indifference, only then to realize that you are regrettably hurting the one who not so long before had you driving around with a sign in the car window that read, “Precious Cargo on Board.”

And though I never want to come across as a “know-it-all,” I’d love to offer a word picture that might come in handy next time she gets on your last nerve and you’re ready to move in a more positive direction. 


Think back to the day she was born when you saw her as a delicate little flower. 

Recall how gently you held her, careful not to break her. You took extra precaution so as not to drop her head or jiggle her body too aggressively. You made sure you didn’t talk too loud or shout in order not to scare her.  

Do you remember that feeling of being overwhelmed with her adorable little features while thinking that you had never held anything so small or beautiful?

Truth be told:  This is how you still need to think of “holding her.”  She is still just as delicate on the inside as the day she was born. She still needs to be handled with kid gloves, even when she’s being challenging.

I’d even suggest posting one of her baby pictures in a place where you see it every day as a daily reminder that she has a special place in your heart, even when you’ve lost that lovin’ feelin’.

One thing that my dad has had to do with me at times like this is soften his tone in order to connect with me (and sometimes it’s been me who has had to soften with him so I know this goes both ways).  I know this is something that doesn’t come naturally for him (or for most men), but it can be done. 

I’m not expecting you to be super human or perfect, but I do want to challenge you to have a conversation with your mouth and commit to not venting anger or reacting with harshness toward your daughter from this day forward. Or at least for today. 

And the next time you’re triggered, choose to walk away and ground yourself first by breathing deeply or getting some fresh air before responding.

Make a decision to consistently water your beautiful little flower with your words of life. You’ll both thrive as a result. 

Dads, Lead Your Daughter to Say MORE than Yes to the Dress

Michelle Watson

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I thought I’d surprise you today with an exciting personal update because I have some REALLY BIG NEWS! 

I just got married last weekend and I’m on my honeymoon right now! (*I’ll share more details about my new husband at the end so read on…)

I’m so happy to share my love story with you and if you have a single daughter who longs to be married, I trust that the things I’m sharing today will also help you be more sensitive to her in this season of her life. Also, if you have a single daughter who longs to be married, I trust that the things I’m sharing today will also help you be more sensitive to her in this season of her life.

First, I want to begin by saying that I’m one of those women who is okay sharing her age, so here goes: I just turned 60 last month and this is my first (and only) wedding!! This translates to the fact that I have lived through every possible feeling when it comes to embracing my marital status through the years: content, miserable, lonely, satisfied, restless, resigned, cranky, happy, and on it goes. And as you can also imagine, I’ve been the recipient of every sentiment imaginable (mostly unsolicited), and just to give you a flavor of some of the literal things people have said to me, here’s a sample: 

“It’s hard to imagine that a guy hasn’t snatched you up.”

“The reason you’re not married is because you’re just too dang picky.”

“When you least expect it, he’ll show up.”

“I can’t believe you’ve never been married because you seem so normal.” 

The reality is that none of these comments were helpful…or accurate. And as you could probably guess, many times comments like these felt hurtful despite the potentially good intentions of those who said them, not withstanding the fact that they often weren’t true. 

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Of course it’s all water under the bridge, but I’m here to say that your single daughter has probably heard similar things. And because I’ve learned a thing or two about “waiting for the right one” because I’ve waited a very long time for that right one, I want to share some things I believe your single daughter needs to hear from you so that she doesn’t settle for “Mr. Right Now” but instead waits for “Mr. Right.” 

You can see by the title of this blog that today’s theme is tied to the TV show, “Say Yes to the Dress.” If you’ve never seen it, I imagine your daughter has. Truth be told, I’ve watched more episodes than I dare to admit, but suffice it to say that I think there’s a bit too much time, money, and energy spent on buying the perfect dress, finding the perfect guy, planning the perfect wedding, all to have a perfect life. 

There’s not much focus on the importance of embracing a healthy, vibrant marriage or the part after she buys the dress. And equally important, what about the myriads of women who never get proposed to, but are longing to say “yes” to the guy and the dress?

All of this got me thinking: What if dads across America stepped in and led their daughters to think beyond the dress and the day. The reality is that you, Dad, have more influence in this area that you may realize.

Way too many women are inadvertently believing the lie that they’re not a success unless they’re dating, engaged, or married. That message is being perpetuated…everywhere…and it needs to stop!  

Your daughter needs YOU to help her stand tall in TRUTH so she can step into her calling without pouring all of her hopes and dreams into a fairy tale.

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Your input into your daughter’s life has the power to carry a counter cultural message-which is that she has vibrancy and purpose beyond her marital status.

Here are two practical truths that your single daughter needs to hear from you today that will help her see that there is MORE to who she is and to her future than waiting to be married:

1. Tell her she’s beautiful and competent, qualified, and “enough” just the way she is, right where she’s at, whether or not there’s a boyfriend in the picture. 

Your daughter needs more encouragement, more support, and more validation from you in extra measure if she’s single. And even if she’s dating someone or already married, she still will thrive when hearing that you believe in her, are proud of her, and that you love her fully and completely (as a work in progress, just like you).

2. Let her know that even if she never gets married, you’re not disappointed in her and are proud of her for being her unique self.

Focus on highlighting what she is doing, not what she isn’t. And I don’t know why it is, but a lot of us women have believed that our parents will be happier if we have a husband and give them grandchildren. So when we feel we’ve failed to make our parents happy or proud of us in those areas (even if it’s never been communicated directly), we feel like a failure. This is where fathers are so important when it comes to communicating affirmation of their daughters at every age regardless of marital status. 

One last practical idea if your daughter is single. I promise that if you do this, dad, you will make a lasting heart deposit that she’ll always remember.

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Dad, your affirmation of your daughter, coupled with your full support as she lives out her passions and dreams, will go a long way toward supporting her to live an empowered, authentic, fulfilling life whether or not she ever gets married. 

And as long as we’re on the topic of weddings, the best gift you can give me is to actively pursue your daughter’s heart today! Even better, write me at and share your stories of impact so that when I return from my honeymoon my inbox will be full of heart-warming, life-breathing, dad-daughter love stories.

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Before I wrap up this blog, I want to close by telling you about the man that God brought into my life (just in case you’re wondering!).

My new husband’s name is Dr. Ken Canfield and he’s founded the National Center for Fathering 30 years ago. I’ve known him professionally since 2011 and he wrote the forward to my first book in 2014.Also, I had been friends with his deceased wife Dee for years before she died of a long-term illness. Then God surprised both Ken and I by revealing that he wanted us to partner together for life and we can hardly wait to do MORE life and MORE ministry together, especially in the area of the dad-daughter relationship [Yes, I’m saying MORE than “YES to the DRESS!”]

This is why marriage was worth the wait for me because I’m now married to a man whose values and vision and passion aligns with mine. 

I’ll keep you posted on projects we’ll be working on together in the months and years ahead, starting with the release of my new book on August 4 titled, “Let’s Talk: Conversation Starters for Dads and Daughters.”You can pre-order now on Amazon here, or any other book retailer. 

Thanks for all your love and support!

Love, Michelle Watson Canfield